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Entries for 'Marlon Aldridge'
Marlon Aldridge posted on March 21, 2015 14:32

Ending Senseless Police Violence of Unarmed Citizens under Pretense of Law
By Marlon Aldridge, Sr.
When a police officer kills a law-breaking, physi...
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Marlon Aldridge posted on October 12, 2014 16:42

This articles seeks to spur debate and possible scientific inquiry into the question: Do black children think that white children are smarter than they are?
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Marlon Aldridge posted on August 10, 2014 10:29

Marlon Aldridge, Sr. provides examples, rationale, and recommendations for Black clergy to use in order to support and preserve institutions in the Black community. Please provide him with feedback.
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Marlon Aldridge posted on June 02, 2014 06:00

This article examines the absurd notion of Black buying power and reconceptualizes it as subversive media propaganda and as a futile attempt by Black advertisers to get big retailers to spend with them.
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Marlon Aldridge posted on April 08, 2014 04:00

This article provides recommendations for students, parents, and educators to improve public education and the life chances of young people. It was written by Marlon Aldridge of the Urban Education Alliance and the Black Man's Think Tank.
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Marlon Aldridge posted on March 25, 2014 11:26

This article answers the question: is there a black male mentor shortage. It also provides recommendations on how the community can better organize to handle this pervasive problem.
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Marlon Aldridge posted on March 11, 2014 07:00

Please submit your comments for the draft Dayton Public Schools Discipline Reform Proposal. It will be submitted to the DPS Board when it convenes on April 15, 2014 at 6:00 p.m.
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Marlon Aldridge posted on March 10, 2014 12:00

This article is intended for parents and young black men. It addresses career options, the essence of manhood, fear, and the law of averages. Please pass it on
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Marlon Aldridge posted on March 05, 2014 02:04

This article comments on President Obama's initiative for young men of color called My Brother's Keeper. It includes findings from meta-analyses of the effectiveness of evaluation of mentoring programs. In addition, it calls for something more: Attention to the proper education of blacks in colleges and universities. It asserts that as we attend to the development of young men of color we must concurrently attend to the environment from which they come. This problem is best addressed by the so-called Talented Tenth.
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Marlon Aldridge posted on February 07, 2014 07:00

This article examines the dilemma of Trotwood, Ohio, which struggles to maintain its population and grow economically as many whites and businesses leave the city. The author provides a recommendation which may stem the loses and revive the community. It's called /merger or annexation. Your comments are welcome.
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Marlon Aldridge posted on January 09, 2014 04:49

This article serves as encouragement for young men.
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Marlon Aldridge posted on December 23, 2013 02:00

This article defines industry and assimilation and establishes a connection between them. It also relates lack of industry among Black organizations to disparities in income, wealth, and education with Whites.
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Marlon Aldridge posted on July 22, 2013 05:56

This article compiles information about the Trayvon Martin Killing and the George Zimmerman trial. It also explores Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law.
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Marlon Aldridge posted on June 27, 2013 10:52

This article explores whether or not urban cities with predominately black populations should support large publicly-traded retail establishments headquartered elsewhere that provide staple goods and services.
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